Exclusive articles from Jeff Lenning
We are glad to share these articles written exclusively for us by Jeff Lenning with you. Our aim is to give you an extra bonus to our ExcelFIX file repair software. We hope you will find them helpful.
Macros, those do-it-yourself software programs, rank among Microsoft’s most useful tools. They automate many computer tasks that you otherwise would have to execute manually—from the simple task of creating customized worksheets to the very complex tasks of exporting journal entries in Excel into an accounting package and creating reports in Word.
Jeff Lenning
Mr. Lenning, CPA and AICPA designated Certified IT Professional, is a national speaker providing continuing education to CPAs on technology related topics including Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access.
The Journal of Accountancy and other publications have featured many of Mr. Lenning´s technology related articles. He is a member of the California CPA Society Technology Committee, and is the current chair for the California CPA OCLB Chapter Technology Committee. In 2000, he founded Click Consulting, a technology consulting firm which specializes in network support and web-application development.
Click Consulting provides web application development and network support services.