Articles about Microsoft Outlook
We have invited selected experts to write exclusive articles about Microsoft Outlook for us. We publish these articles as an added bonus to our Outlook data recovery tool, OutlookFIX. We hope you will find them helpful.
The Cleanup Macro

I recently had a problem with autoarchive which probably exists in all large corporations with lower end users. We have an email cleanup initiative underway and a user took emails that were quite a few years old and moved them into individual folders. Doing that changed the Modify date on them.
3 Steps to Create a Distribution List from a Category

A Distribution List is really just a collection of names and emails that you can work with as a single unit. And it's great for emailing the same group of people all the time without searching and gathering each person. Thus, all the contacts in a Distribution list are kept as a named group which appears in your Contact list as exactly that...a Contact! (the contact title bar has two heads denoting that contact as a distribution list).
The Import/Export Option in Ms Outlook

Have you ever needed to import an Outlook contact list from Excel format? Have you had a need to send someone your contact list to be used in another email program?
Absolutely Fabulous Email Signatures Made Simple

How would you like a tireless salesperson working 24/7 to promote your business? An email signature does just that, yet people often fail to add a signature to take advantage of this powerful marketing tool.
Getting a Handle on Your E-mails with VBA

One of the trickiest things to get used to for developers new to Outlook programming, and even those with some experience, is figuring out how to get programmatic access to various items at various times. There are built-in methods to get this access, but sometimes the problem lies in determining which is the proper object to automate.
Exploding a Single Email

The macro and explanations shown below are pulled directly from my book – "Link Em Up On Outlook."
Outlook Tips To Clean Your Inbox!

One of the biggest distractions for most business owners is email. And when you get hundreds (or even thousands) of emails a day, it's really easy for it to quickly overwhelm you. Just as it's hard to concentrate in a messy office, a messy inbox can send you running in a hundred different directions if you are not careful. Here are some power tips to organize your inbox and help you stay focused.
Building Professional Outlook Applications

Outlook, like the other applications in the Microsoft Office suite, can be extended quite capably by most users who are relatively comfortable working with VBA macros. Many people have written themselves some handy procedures to help automate a few moderately difficult day-to-day tasks. However, when these kinds of solutions grow in scope to become useful for more people than just yourself they are better implemented as a COM Add-In.
You Too Can Be an Outlook Specialist

Have you heard of the Outlook Specialist certification? This is a "diploma" that certifies your knowledge of the Microsoft Outlook program. It is an indicator to your employer and others of the undeniable expertise you have for the Outlook program. This article will briefly cover a very useful subject that is in the exam and will guide you to other resources to prepare your study for the Outlook Specialist certification.
Have you been linked

"Link Em Up On Outlook" (ISBN 1932802010) was written to help MS Outlook users of all levels become more comfortable with the many useful features of the program. The version used here is Outlook 2003 with SP1 applied.