Test your vocab skills and fight world hunger!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I´d mention this great website that we have recently come across here at Cimaware. Freerice.com is a non-profit site dedicated to helping people to improve their vocabulary and fight world hunger at the same time.
The website hosts a rather addictive English vocabulary game in which the World Food Programme donates ten grains of rice for every correct answer. Freerice.com is paid for by advertising so it is free to play.
We have had some great fun here at the office testing our vocabulary skills. So far I have gotten 6 in a row correct, which is not half bad as the sets get progressively more difficult. I have also learned some new and indisputably useful words such as "macropterous" (large-winged) that are sure to liven up my "word-hoard" this holiday season.
Be sure to give it a try!