Creating a Resolution Independent Microsoft Access Application
Very few novice Microsoft Access developers give any consideration to creating an application that will look and function well at a screen resolution other than the one with which they are working. Often, it is the case that only once an application has been deployed and it is viewed at different resolutions does it become apparent that this has been overlooked. The typical complaint from users is that the application's forms are either too big and they have to continually use the scroll bars or the form is tiny and all the controls are at the top left of the screen.
Compile error in Access: User-defined type not defined
If you are used to programming in Access 97 then you may encounter a problem if you upgrade to Access 2000 or higher and you wish to continue to use the DAO object model in your VBA. If you try to run or compile your code you will probably be faced with the following error: "Compile error: User-defined type not defined" and you will notice that one of your DAO variables will be highlighted.
Custom Menus, Toolbars and Pop-Up Menus
Creating your own menus, toolbars and pop-up menus can considerably improve your Access application's usability and your user's overall impression of the application. This article aims to guide you through the process of getting started.
Handling Images with Microsoft Access
What is the best way to store image files in MS Access?